Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I Beg Your Forbearance

I recently returned from Atlanta, Georgia where I attended the National Federation of Community Broadcasters Conference. Like most conferences, the learning sessions are spread out during the course of the day. Sessions like New Media; Community Engagement; Nontraditional Revenue Streams; Professional Radio Interviewing Skills; Better Web Sites; and What Can We Say to name just a few. Most people who know me know that I'm not a master of the English language even though my dearly departed mother was a honors English teacher. It seems like everywhere you go these days, whether it's a conference or meeting, someone's always trying to impress somebody with the shit that comes out of their mouths. Why must they do that? Do they get some sort of sexual gratification from doing it? They better ... because that's the only excuse I can possibly think of for doing it. Case in point, the opening presenter, after making several verbal errors made the statement "I beg your forbearance." What the hell's with that? I looked up forbearance in the dictionary and it defines forbearance as: to be patient. Needless to say, I lost mine right from the start. Why couldn't she have said "Please be patient with me." But no ... right from the get-go .. she starts out an NFCB conference with an obviosuly impressive word. Is that intentional? Does that shit just flow out of her mouth naturally? I'd have to study on the plane and stay up all night to come up with a single word like that! Anyway, I really enjoyed the conference ... until that guy wouldn't stop raising his hand


Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Bob I'm am one of those pricks. Jeezus fricken crisco I can't believe that I actually fcukin said this last weekend at our fcukin hunting shack, choke, choke, sob, um, I asked my best friend Dug why he looked so pensive? As soon as I fckuin said it I knew it was wrong. I could see the hurt in his fcukin eyes and he said to me I thought I fcukin knew you man, how the fcuk could you do this to me? Using a whole sentence w/o fcukin swearing, you are fcukin sick man, you need some fcukin help. So that's why I'm fcukin here tonight to stop hurting and to get on with my life. I have started the gudamn 12 step program and I hope to be fcukin healed by opening fcukin grouse season so all my arsehole buddies will let me come back to the fcukin huntin shack. I fcukin love all you aceholes. Hey, are we gonna stand around all day or are we gonna fcukin ride?

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Anonymous said...

Bob, I think you raised the ire of Dug when you called him "Pensive," because he thought you were referring to a part of the male anatomy in perfesser-talk.